Development and testing of complete design and manufacturing technology for casting tools

Name of the beneficiary: Spinto Hungária Limited

Subject and aim of the development: development and testing of a complete design and manufacturing technology for casting tools

Amount of aid contracted: HUF 256 388 943

Of which EU contribution: HUF 225 622 269

The project GINOP_PLUSZ-2.1.1-21-2022-00032 was co-financed by the European Union.

Detailed description of the project content:
With the introduction of electric cars, demand for automotive die-casting is expected to grow by 6% per year over the next decade. A significant proportion of these new types of products are planned to be produced in existing foundries in our country and in new foundries to be installed in the near future. The size and complexity of the products will continue to grow. The trouble-free production of complex moulds for the production of these castings can often only be ensured by contour-tracking cooling. Such tool inserts can only be produced using additive technology (3D metal printing). If this competence is not introduced to the domestic market in the next few years, the production of high added value automotive castings may be shifted to other regions. Contour-tracking cooling is a technological innovation that can significantly improve the heat dissipation capacity of aluminium die-casting tools, so that the tools produced in this way represent significant savings in terms of production resources in two respects: 1. In the case of millions of pieces, a cycle time reduction of even 1 second can result in a huge capacity gain and increase in competitiveness. Lower tool life. The domestic and regional die casting and tooling market currently lacks the competence to design, manufacture and test 3D metal die casting tooling with 3D metal printed contour tracking tooling insert cooling to meet the latest requirements. The other reason why the use of 3D metal-printed contour tracking tool inserts has not yet been introduced is the lack of a reference that would have demonstrated the technological and economic benefits for foundries under real production conditions. Building up this competence and demonstrating its benefits would create a competitive advantage for toolmakers in the short, medium and long term, while reducing the production cycle time and improving product quality for die-casting foundries. With EU funding of HUF 287.47 million, the project aims to introduce this design and manufacturing competence at Spinto Hunária Kft., thereby creating a domestic knowledge base. The manufacturing capacity will be based on the 3D metal printing equipment to be installed at Spinto Hungária Kft. This will allow the development and market introduction of a new type of product line.

Actual completion date of the project: 2023.06.30


3516 Miskolc,
5 Galamb József street

Postal Address

3501 Miskolc,
P. O. B. 422


