Name of beneficiary: Spinto Hungária Ltd.
Project title: Securing export advantage in the tool market
Project ID number: BAR-1.1.1-21-2021-00027
The aim of the project: is to provide support to Spinto Hungária Ltd. to offset the negative economic effects of the UK's exit from the European Union.
Amount of aid contracted: HUF 504 142 782
Detailed description of the project content: The main profile of Spinto Hungária Kft. is precision tooling, and the company is mainly engaged in the production of high-pressure aluminium casting tools. Due to the loss of potential customers as a result of BREXIT, it became necessary to find new partners and markets. In order to do so, the Company has recalibrated its sales activities in the target market, partly by taking advantage of the opportunity provided by the tender, which has opened up a new focus and a significant market segment for Spinto Hungária Kft. in the EU. The electric car industry still requires aluminium components, but their focus has changed significantly, from the former components of the explosive powertrain and transfer cases to the so-called high strength structural components, functionally integrated components, which will be the main aluminium components of electric cars. The increase in size and complexity will all strengthen Spinto Hungária Kft.'s capacity in the field of large tooling. The elements of a major investment programme linked to market opportunities include:
The long-hole drilling machine - SAMAG TFZ 2L - was the missing link in the Company's fleet. The equipment will not only enable the Company to meet project deadlines more reliably, but will also complete the tooling technology. The production of the company's highest value-added tooling inserts has become controllable throughout.
The new electric car components described above require large tooling. It is precisely in line with these needs that the Company is increasing its large tooling insert manufacturing capability, in particular by increasing its competence in the area of smoothing, which represents the highest added value. This will involve the purchase of a DMU 125 Monoblock universal milling centre.
Also to increase the production capacity for large format inserts, it would be necessary to install the Ingersoll Gantry Eagle 800 block rock cutting machine in addition to the two existing block rock cutting machines. The table size of the equipment is large enough to allow for the machining of larger mould inserts, so that the machining of larger mould inserts could be carried out in parallel with the new and existing ingot rock turning equipment.
Sustainability and the use of renewable energies are a must for a modern engineering and mechanical engineering company, so the project will include the installation of a small solar power plant that will be able to cover on average 15-20% of the company's energy needs. The project will also include strategic and business planning advice.
Planned completion date of the project: 2023.12.29.